Share your latest research with colleagues from all around the world!
Authors must submit abstracts for the 22nd World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics via https://www.iagg2022.org/abstracts/. There is no limit to the number of abstracts you may submit. The abstract submission site opens in mid-November 2021, and you will be able to edit and resubmit your abstract as many times as necessary before March 2, 2022.
How to Log- in to Submit:
♦ All abstracts for the 22nd World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics must be submitted electronically through the electronic abstract submission system (B-com).
♦ Abstracts can be saved in “Draft” status to be re-edited and modified until the submission deadline - March 2).
♦ Abstracts fulfilling all criteria can be saved in “Final submission” status. Only abstracts in “Final submission” status will be regarded as successfully submitted and considered for the meeting. The submitted “draft” abstracts cannot be edited after the submission deadline.
Submission fees
IMPORTANT: The submission fee is required for processing the abstract submission and is nonrefundable. But in case of acceptance, the submission fee will be considered and discounted from the total registration fee.
In case of submitting more than one abstract, please note that only one paper will be considered for the registration discount.
In case you pay your registration before March 31, 2022, you will not receive the discount on the registration fee.
All professionals residing in Argentina may send their work and pay the fees by bank transfer. Please request the required payment information by e-mailing:
Sofía Wolkomirski: sofia.wolkomirski@wearemci.com
Abstracts General Guides
♦ All abstracts must be submitted in English.
♦ Abstracts accepted will be selected for oral presentation or poster. The final decision about the Presentation Method will be made by the Evaluation Committee
♦ All abstracts must be received until March 2, 2022, at midnight (GMT-3). The system will close, and it will not be possible to submit any abstract past that time, no exception.
♦ Abstract evaluation results will be sent on March 31, 2022, to the email that the submitter has registered when submitting the abstract.
♦ Submitting authors are required to ensure that all listed co-authors have reviewed the abstract, take responsibility for its content and agree with being listed as a co-author.
♦ Authors are encouraged to submit their abstracts as early as possible.
♦ Acceptance of the abstract in the program and assignment to a session are determined solely by the Scientific Committee based on the abstract subject matter and combined reviewer scores and comments. Because of the logistics of assigning abstracts to sessions and the number of abstracts received, requests for particular sessions, days, or times will not be considered by the Scientific Committee.
♦ For each accepted abstract, one author, at least, must attend the Congress. The submitting author has the responsibility to pay the submission fee.
♦ Abstracts must be based on original results that have not or will not be published or presented before the 22nd World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics begins on June 20, 2022.
♦ By submitting an abstract, the author(s) agree to transfer all copyrights to the 22nd World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics and to allow publication of submitted information on the Congress website, or other related publications.
Abstract Body
♦ The final selection of the type of presentation will be defined by the Scientific Committee. Oral or Poster presentation instructions will be sent to the authors after the abstract acceptance via email.
♦ Headings, tables, and figures are not permitted
♦ All abstracts must have 350 words or less (this does not include presenter information and title)
♦ Do not format the complete abstract in bold or italic letters.
♦ Authors are discouraged from submitting multiple abstracts from the same project. Each abstract will be judged on its own merits without reference to other submissions. Repetitive abstracts will be rejected.
Abstracts Topics
Conflicts of Interest
♦ All potential conflicts of interest for each co-author must be declared. Potential conflicts of interest include but are not limited to, commercial interest in the research, and financial or in-kind support for the research, and financial or in-kind support for the research from entities with commercial interest.
Peer Review
♦ Each abstract will be reviewed and scored, by two reviewers at least, based on the quality and originality of the research, the scientific content and presentation.
♦ A notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting authors only. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to notify other co-authors about the Committee’s decision.
♦ The abstract review process is blinded, meaning that the author’s names and affiliations are not disclosed to the reviewers.
Submit your Symposium and be part of a major worldwide event scientific program!
Authors must submit symposiums for the 22nd World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics via https://www.iagg2022.org/abstracts/. There is no limit to the number of symposiums you may submit. The submission site opens in mid-November 2021, and you will be able to edit and resubmit your symposium as many times as necessary before March 2, 2022.
How to Log- in to Submit:
♦ All symposiums for the 22nd World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics must be submitted electronically through the electronic abstract submission system (B-com).
♦ Symposiums can be saved in “Draft” status to be re-edited and modified until the submission deadline (March 2, 2022, midnight, GMT-3).
♦ Symposiums fulfilling all criteria can be saved in “Final submission” status. Only abstracts in “Final submission” status will be regarded as successfully submitted and considered for the meeting. The submitted “draft” symposiums cannot be edited after the submission deadline.
Submission fees
The submission fee is required for processing the symposium submission and is nonrefundable (regardless of acceptance). Once the symposium has been submitted, it is considered processed.
All professionals residing in Argentina may send their work and pay the fees by bank transfer. Please request the required payment information by e-mailing: Sofía Wolkomirski: sofia.wolkomirski@wearemci.com
Symposiums General Guidelines
♦ All the proposals must be submitted in English.
♦ Acceptance of the symposium in the program and assignment is determined solely by the Scientific Committee based on the topic subject matter and Scientific Committee comments. Because of the logistics of assigning sessions in the Scientific Program, any requests for particular types of presentations, sessions, days, or times can be expressed as comments but cannot guarantee the consideration by the Scientific Committee.
♦ Symposium’s evaluation results will be sent to the submitting presenter only. It is the responsibility of the submitting speaker to notify other speakers of the session about the Committee’s decision.
♦ Submitting authors are required to ensure that all presenters have agreed with the session sent and take responsibility for its content.
♦ The responsible coordinator of the symposium is encouraged to submit their symposium proposal as early as possible.
♦ All speakers must be registered and attend the 22nd World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics.
Symposium Format
♦ The structure of each symposium (90 minutes) must be:
- Suggested title
- Coordinator (with a few CV lines)
- Speaker 1 + title (summary of the topic suggested) (include a few CV lines)
- Speaker 2 (summary of the topic suggested) (include a few CV lines)
- Speaker 3 + (summary of the topic suggested) (include a few CV lines)
*The coordinator could be also one of the speakers of the session
♦ Do not format the complete symposium in bold or italic letters.
♦ Presenters are discouraged from submitting multiple proposals from the same topic. Each symposium will be judged on its own merits without reference to other submissions. Repetitive symposiums will be rejected.
Symposium Topics
Conflicts of Interest
♦ All potential conflicts of interest for each co-author must be declared. Potential conflicts of interest include but are not limited to, commercial interest in the research, and financial or in-kind support for the research, and financial or in-kind support for the research from entities with commercial interest.
Peer Review
♦ Each proposal will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee at least three times, based on the quality and originality of the research, the scientific content, and presentation.
♦ A notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting presenter only. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to notify other presenters about the Committee’s decision.
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